1 Jun 2012

▶ 2012-06-01-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src
Liberty Media speculation, is Mel on the outs? Toilet-abusing savages. Emperor Bloomberg pimps a giant donut and Bush unveils a portrait.
Actor Chris Hemsworth in studio. Soaps, green-screen and accents.
Little cock, little people. Sam's new suit and the big wedding - Mr C plans project mayhem, gets text from East Side Dave. 'Oh no, Erock'.
Jonathan brings his pal Saad Mohseni in, he runs Afghanistani Tolo TV. And we're off for a quick lap round all your basic geopolitics.

▶ 2012-06-01-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src
The interns continue to disappoint Sam. Well wishes and snowballs.


  1. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

    First! Thank you uploaders Xx

  2. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

    that was meant to be singular..uploader...but feel free to give yourself multiple heaps of praise as though it is a team effort.

    1. Heap me into that praise dog pile. Well done, sir. I love you.

  3. Thanks, you're a gentleman and a scholar!

  4. Many, many, many thanks from Australia.

  5. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

    As Ronnie said, many thanks from shitty Australia. I embellished somewhat but the thank you remains.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Who here is from Melbourne? It's 2am and I am drunk a s fuck Cumia style. Chris Hemsworth sucks a bag of severed wee wees. Adam Walsh!

    3. Hando from "Romper Stomper" is from Melbourne, matey!

    4. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

      Newcastle here.. also drunk as fuck. And agreed, Chris Hemsworth blows.. the only Aussie I want to hear on O&A is Jim Jeffries.

    5. Funny that you and I would be the only Ozzies who know who he is though. Nosybody. Ice Cayyyuuuuube.

    6. Where's Rodney Rude when you need him...

    7. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

      Docfox lots of aussies know Jeffries.

    8. Don't talk shit. What are you gunna tell me next that lots of aussies know Jason Ellis? Jeffries succeeds in the UK and US because he is a novelty there. That bogan shit doesn't really work here. His gimmick is being Australian.

      He even admits himself that no one knows him here. I had never heard of him before I started listening to O&A. Regardless of how funny he is or isnt fact remains no one knows him here for whatever reason - again dont talk shit.

    9. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

      I guess it depends on how you define 'lots'. I define 'lots' in this context as 'more than you and MrSerialX'. So yes, lots of people know Ellis and Jeffries in Australia. I've known about Ellis from his skateboarding career, so just settle pettle ;)

    10. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

      Jeffries isn't popular in Australia though, not as popular as he is in the US. Just like the crap US comics like Aji Barker we get aren't that popular in the US.

      As for Ellis, get the fuck outta here with that dickhead. He's a loudmouth fuckwit.. regardless of what country he's in.

  6. *clap, clap* Double guns, David, double guns indeed.

  7. We'd all be dead if it wasn't for you, David. Thank you.

    Yet another avenger, meh.

  8. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

    Ice Cuuuuuuuuuuube.

    Thanks man, have a great weekend.

  9. I love when they have guests like that Afghan guy.

  10. If Liberty Media is doing anything with Sirius between now and contract negotiations, you can guarantee they'll get fucked and bail

  11. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

    no show t'day?

    1. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

      There's a show.. calm down. Jesus.. patience, dude.


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