13 Mar 2012

▶ 2012-03-13-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
You like Danny? You do, I've a show for you. Yeesh. Coddled hoarders continue to infuriate everyone, smoke stories and psychoactives.
Hulkster VHS escapades. Arrested development and wedding plans of pussy-whipped young Sambo. Domestic squabbling and pre-nups.
No barrel left unscraped as TV continues its voyage down the reality drainhole. Ant has a curious take on white-knighting. Comic books.
Whitney's daughter talks bollocks to Oprah. Monkees, a mantle clock and March madness. Jon Bernthal from Walking Dead is late.

▶ 2012-03-13-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
The Troy/Erock pantomime again, the phones, some bracket chat.


  1. I do not like Danny. I do not like him at all. But I thank you regardless.

    1. I dunno, once you get to hear his coherent and sensible line of argument about Walking Dead, which most assuredly do not make him look a posturing clown, I am very confident you will change your tune Mr. Flintskins.

    2. I tried sir, but he's still a cunt. While he was indeed coherent, fuck I hate the "BOOKS WERE BETTER!" assbags. He also sounds like he has a man load in his mouth he refuses to send down his gullet and stop saving for later. But, all that said, it was a decent show considering the lack of Yimmy. God I miss Patrice more than ever on days like yesterday.

    3. It's all in the tone of voice ...

      What I am really saying is that Danny should be pushed down an open elevator shaft by angry men brandishing pointy sticks with dog dirt on them.

      We just need to ensure he is somehow, for some reason, tied by the ankles to Troy and Roland when this actually occurs.

    4. Perfect. That was just said so very perfectly.

  2. I like Danny much more than the other shiftless layabout fucks on the staff. I appreciate your efforts.

    1. I definitely agree with that.

      That's the amazing thing, as dubious as he is, there's still a whole bunch of wasters on staff easily keeping him off bottom.

  3. Any spoilers for Walking Dead?

    1. Spoiler city.

      They suggest you get up to date before listening to the show.

  4. I enjoy Danny. Sam, not so much.

    1. That's just crazy talk. Primetime Sam Roberts is gold Jerry! Gold! Coupla good characters and always works the bits the right way.

      ... sorting out his raise will be job 2 when I am put in charge of the show. (Job 1 being to sack the guys whose salary will be used for that raise).

  5. Cheers Eric.

    a: 'cos I mean it, cheers,
    and b: for the symmetry - this stand-alone comment was looking a little bit lonely.

  6. I agree with Danny. The Walking Dead is TERRIBLE...slow boring horse shit. On the other hand, Danny is also an extremely sensitive person who immediately devolves into a child when someone disagrees with him.


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