9 Mar 2012

▶ 2012-03-09-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src
Opie is out. Ant takes a trip to the borg future. Joseph Kony is a bad man, go tweet somebody. Fat Bob Kelly and the boy DeRosa appear. Wardrobe diversity and dead eyes in the jungle. Treadmills and cake.
Jailbreak, drunks, and nocturnal emissions. When the lights go out, a very different trip to the future. Creampies and the refractory period. Joe and Bob test deodorant product.
Siri stinks on ice. The Dice impression entertains one and all, Valley Jim much less so. Menstruation sing-song. The Fly and a Predator.
Domenick Lombardozzi into studio, thrill as the energy is sucked right out the fuckin room. The boys work super hard and pull the nose up.

▶ 2012-03-09-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
Bobby and Joe stay for the Shit Show, cock-sucking is the topic.


  1. Thanks for getting these up so quick, you're a god among men. Actually, you do more than god.

    1. Voted boy most likely to quickly upload a radio show ... two years in a row.

    2. Ohhh, I see what you did there.

  2. Thanks dave. Drunk right now. Anyone else think that Domenick Lombardozzi would be perfect to play Dana White in a movie. Who cares. I stink.

    1. I always thought he looks more like Bas Rutten.

      Thanks for the shows, David!

  3. It's bobby and DANGEROUS JOE

    1. Well, technically, it is :
      "Tiger Beat teen-sensation shoulderless Joe The Rose DeRosa"

  4. Replies
    1. The Hughes-ster is on holiday for a week.

      Jim is out for a day or two next week too, so another opportunity for the Anthony Show.


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