Fixing Comments

Quick bit of business. As predicted, the comments have continued their tedious and inexorable slide into Wackbag whining territory and show zero indication of improving. So here comes the new rules:
There are broadly three classes of comment, sorted by volume,
  • People complaining about who on the show they "hate". Standing on a box to yell at us about how much the show has upset them. As if anyone gives a fuck. This is of course entirely pointless, and annoying, and is not required.
  • People saying thanks, this is nice, but entirely unnecessary. So while not annoying, they are also not required.
  • The third type is people pointing out any site issues, link problems, suggesting shows to be grabbed, linking to items of general O&A interest, other resources, podcasts, or making interesting points in an entertaining or an informative manner.
Comment moderation is being switched on soon, and only comments of this third type will make it past moderation.
Use the comments to tell me if I am wrong, or for a fuller discussion of the problem. However the status quo is likely not an option.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your site, your rules!

    By da way, thanks for all of the hard work you do on the site!

  3. I agree with your change in the comment rules. There are a lot of whiny cunts out there that really seem like they hate this show based on their posts. It doesn't make sense to me.

    Keep up the good work and you won't hear anything from me, except the other day when the recording quality was really low for some reason.

    lls tho

  4. I'm sorry, it wasn't the quality. It was the volume. Way lower than usual, but since then, it's been fine.

    1. Hmm, that's weird.

      Do you happen to have the day of the show handy. I'd like to go back and check, see if I can see anything that could have caused that.

  5. Keep up the good work I'm assuming theres people like me that appriciate what u do and don't leave negative comments. Greatly appriciated

  6. I love the rules, but do those same rules apply to the show descriptions or will you continue to bash Troy every change you get and continue to deprive us of the intro because Troy made it?

    1. Holy shit, you're a whiner. Go download from one of those sites that love to sit around and cry about the show in the shoutbox every day.

    2. I'd say there is a balance to be maintained, Jason.
      The show summaries require to adopt some sort of personality or angle to ensure they remain somewhat readable, otherwise they risk becoming bland or anodyne. The restricted format, average 8 lines per show, also requires a somewhat 'brisk' manner be adopted.

      I do not believe the overall tenor of the summary has gone overboard into sustained 'hating', and none has been as corrosive to the blog atmosphere as the relentless stream of vituperative show hate that is the subject of this post. All summaries are always done in a spirit of enjoying the show, something not always apparent in some of the commentary.

      But you are correct to point this out, and I am well aware of the potential for hypocrisy, and remain conscious of the tone employed.
      You may notice I have been deliberately moderating the recent summaries precisely because I knew this move was on the horizon. Troy has not been bashed, nor the Danny and Travis show, and Kevin Smith's phonecall got off lightly.

      Any new Troy intro is only ever included once or twice, not because it is Troy, but because people downloading (especially on devices, 25% of the population here) probably don't need to burn data or sit through long intros more than once.
      If any piece is considered eminently skip-able, it is edited. Any piece of production that is back-referenced in the show is always included.

      There is absolutely nothing to stop anyone isolating the Ecstasy of Gold theme, and any most recent intro, and playlsiting them for themselves before a show mp3, for the 'full show experience'.
      But I believe the majority prefer to get down to business and start from the real start with the boys saying 'Hello'. Let me know if I am wrong.

    3. Living in Australia, despite when the occasional intro is left on by yourself, "But enough of this Palaver, lets get the show on the road" Line from mondo topless has always been the starting point for me. So much so that when I became a DJ I named myself Palaver. So I find it perfect.

  7. I apologize if I've contributed to the problem in any way. So many cunts on here who hate the show ironically enough and for the most part, I've been enjoying most of the recent shows even if people are saying they haven't been up to par with what they usually do. Excellent work anyway and your site is the reason why I've been able to make it through my long three month vacation.

  8. I love those rules. Every site I'm on is filled with people who clearly don't like the show anymore, but continue to listen and bitch EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    1. Yes. There is obviously a very distinct subset who clearly now listen only to snipe and then rush to messageboards to, unasked, noisily let everyone else know what latest travesty has upset them. #FirstWorldProblems. The behaviour is perverse. And quite tiresome.

      >99.9% of most everything stinks to some extent, but the rational choice would be to actively avoid it. Not download it, listen to it, and repeatedly return to make the same comment on it.

      I am not saying anyone has to enjoy every aspect of a show, pretend to like episodes that are a waste of electricity and should better be flushed straight down the fucking toilet, or that comments here can only contain insipid and obsequious praise.

      There is plenty the boys do that aggravates and annoys, and plenty of scope for some rough and tumble in commentary ... the only point being made here is that balance is required. Ideally comments should attempt to be interesting or informative, not petulant and pointless.

    2. You should have put comment moderation in place earlier on. You could have avoided the trauma of reading repetitive, negative comments on a blog. #FirstWorldProblems.

      Getting together to bitch about the stuff you love is a valid form of human interaction and, in fact, has propped up one-half of our species since time immemorial.

      But you run the show in this part of town, so the boss gets what the boss wants, and that's as it should be.

    3. Utter horseshit. It is not valid interaction of any kind, it is contemporary and absolutely invalid. You stringing together a couple of baseless assertions to the contrary, in an attempt to justify this worthless and embarrassing type of misbehaviour does not begin to convince anyone.

      It is egoism and narcissism. We are talking about a distinct sub-population of inadequates that need to be heard. Demand to be heard. Nothing in any of these easily distinguishable type of posts is ever designed to be of genuine use to others, to be of interest to others, to be of entertainment to others ... the only thing that matters is look at me, listen to me, someone please, please, pay attention to me.

      Angry, petulant, impotent, tantrums and squabbling from infantalised man-children that should have more important things to worry about. It stinks up the entire internet, but not here it doesn't, not anymore.

      This is the third time of saying it here, but I'm an optimist, maybe this time it sticks. No-one actually gives a fuck about who you 'hate' on a radio show.
      You are operating under a massive delusion if you genuinely believe anyone else craves or cares to hear your 'opinion', especially an opinion about something so inconsequential, and an opinion delivered repetitively in the same worn-out default-mode angry pest pattern of speech.

      You are not at the Cellar table smashing a peer, you rent an IP address to tell people you don't know and no-one that much cares that someone said something on a radio show that apparently upset you.

      It is pointless behaviour, contributes nothing of value and is toxic to the blog's general atmosphere. I am long-since bored of it.

    4. I've kind of noticed that many of the people who have made this comments don't post under their real name and probably feel much more powerful and inclined to attack other people under a pseudonym. Those people are just pathetic chickenshit cowards and it's great that you've stood up to those said trolls who feel the need to lash out at other people and display their bizarre hatred of this show. Not every show is guaranteed to be a classic and maybe Opie or Jimmy bombed one day, but that gives them no right to act like grown children about it.

    5. We get it, GTAJ Admin Guy, you don't like the narcissistic whining about this show by the legion of internet-addicted manchildren(a fair point that I agree with).

      I still stand by my point, and just because you don't agree with my assertion and think I'm full of horseshit, well, in the words of Chris Penn: "now that don't necessarily make it fucking so!"

      But this isn't the real issue. The real issue is you yelling at me and verbally abusing me in front of all my friends. Why would you do this to me, a loyal follower and devoted GTAJ groupie? How could you?

    6. There's that ego thing we just talked about.

      It's not always about you, not all the time.

  9. This is a good idea. I come here and see that the show has something like 25 comments, and I get excited that maybe something big and interesting went down, but it's just a bunch of Opie haters.

  10. I think that not allowing appreciation for your efforts is a little strange but then again I have never ran a site, so I have no experience in dealing with this kind of shit.

    1. That's a move aimed more at heading off any criticism that I'm looking to turn the comment threads into one-sided lovefests.

      It's a quid pro quo, I'll happily give-up the thanks if some others give-up trying to turn the comments over here into YouTube.

      (And speaking of that, while blog moderation will hopefully be a very light touch, barely noticed, those motherfuckers over on the YouTube channel won't know what hit them, they'll be doing well for any of their shit to see daylight).

  11. This is an excellent policy and I will happily follow it. With that said, can very specific acts of awful be lambasted for the sake of discussion? I see a huge difference between "______ fuckin sucks and I hate him and he needs to shut up and die" vs. "can you believe the cunty shit that ______ said today?!? Allow us to discuss this moment of retardation". Fine with either way, just felt the need to clarify.

    1. Well if you make it interesting or funny, y'know put a bit of narrative or invention into it, a nice turn of phrase, and end-up with a comment that someone else would enjoy reading, then you can definitely risk it. If you can nudge it into Category 3 on the list, it'll definitely get through.

      But as you say, we all know the type of comment we are all really bored with and that only serve to stink up the joint. Ones that operate under two tragic and fatal misapprehensions: that anyone else here gives a fuck about a petulant complaint, and that anyone here is in a position to remedy that complaint.

      The very definition of pointless. Pointless probably won't get through.

    2. Eloquently put. Double guns, baby.

  12. Sounds good to me. Future thanks for all the shows you provide from now on.

  13. Can we thank you for going above and beyond? Like the Fezzy <3's Troy bonus content, or will you just assume that we are grateful for the work?

    1. It's OK, I'll take it as given. All part of the service. Cheers.


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