16 May 2012

▶ 2012-05-16-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
Three broken-down old men. Coughs, squirts and chinstraps. Howard entertains the rubes. Sam is a better broadcaster, Troy is discreet.
Jim has a plane to catch. Buttered rolls and bread products. Blue tarp and triple trouble. Ant enjoyed Bobcat's new film. Haters be tiresome.
Trump Jr in studio. Fly fishing, celeb TV bollocks and big game hunting. Lays out his personal responsibility manifesto and end of empire.
A statement from Jay Mohrz is read. Next up we have Justine Joli, Nikki Benz and Heather Vandeven. Huge purple cocks and multi-tasking.

▶ 2012-05-16-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
The boys all get together to choose which Penthouse lady they'd fuck.


  1. Bobcat's movie has a great premise, starts strong but degrades into almost unwatchable by the end. If Ant really liked it, I want whatever his doctor gave him for the plague or whatever it is he has.

    As always, you're a goddamned saint sir.

    1. Without spoiling, he pretty much agrees with your assessment. Strong start, but runs out of steam. Endings are difficult.

      BTW, Bill Murray's brother is in the film.

    2. I liked him in Mad Men. Poor feller couldn't hold his liquid.

    3. Guy from Police Academy directed it.

  2. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Damn, Heather Vandeven is looking good in that pic. Haha, gotta love Roland.

    Thanks for the upload man.

  3. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Damn, Heather is looking damn sexy.

    Thanks, dude.

  4. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Im taking a wild guess on who Troy fucked. Lexi Belle.

    1. 10 years ago she would'v been 15, Troy isn't that lucky. What leads you to think it was her?

  5. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    she fucks regular dudes, but yer right, she also doesnt have implants and i jumped the gun before i heard the whole thing

    1. Ditto, I'm only listening to the show now. The 'not Ant's type' part sealed the deal for me, I can't think of a pornstar who fits his teen regime better than Lexi. 5'3, underweight and milky pale...What a gal.

    2. Gina Lynn popped in my head, I know she used to go on the show a bunch for many years back, has fantastic implants, etc...

    3. I think you're right on. She perfectly fits all the little hints they gave away.

  6. Listening to yesterday's show - dying while they smash that shit erotic book. So glad Ant is back. P.S Did you guys see that blog his ex wrote about him. Far out.

    1. I hope, for your sake, that a link is given during the show. I must see this thing.

    2. I think its on wackbag - im from Australia and cant access it. Anyone else from Oz have this same problem?

    3. http://www.wackbag.com/showthread.php/144406-Melissa-Stetten-s-Last-Stab


    4. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

      what a social climber, typical cunt behaivior.

    5. Thanks for the link. Fuck me, what a crazy bitch.

      Hello! Every man wants to fuck teenagers and wishes they were mute. Compelling? Christ, read through your own blog and I think you'll find nothing but sour fucking grapes.

    6. She's been a fan of the show for how many years before she met Ant?

      So how was she not aware of his racism, heavy drinking, gun obsession, republicanism, affinity for young girls, and history of cheating on previous girlfriends. I've been listening to the show for a lot longer/never have met Anthony, yet I'm aware of it.

      Cry me a fucking river.

    7. Docfox - from OZ too and yes, wackbag is inaccessible here too. i've gotten through once.

    8. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

      Glad I'm not the only Aussie that's never been able to access Wackbag.

    9. If anyone has shitter (twitter) pm wackbag or wackbag_feed and tell that xenophobic cunt to give australians access to his website.

    10. The blog post is password protected now. :/

  7. Thanks for your time and effort. Been listening to O&A from these downloads for a few weeks now. I hardly turn on my actual XM radio now, I can hear so much more of the show every day. no need to wait for the replays. You are a saint sir.

  8. Replies
    1. There is no cut at 33mins. They are swapping between tape of yesterday's Shit Show, and Sam and Troy talking live in the studio.

      That is them pausing the playback.

  9. Jenna Jameson has to be the mysterious whore Troy swapped spit-cum with

    1. gina lynn you silly goose

    2. I say it's Jenna. Troy has mentioned before that she was in one of his shitty band's videos and the time frame works.

  10. AnonymousMay 17, 2012

    it's jenna 100%.

    You could tell, the band shit, that she is married to Tito and all, they were joking about it.

  11. I said "good boy phone and a naughty boy phone" just before he started whistling it.


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