23 May 2012

▶ 2012-05-23-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
No Opie. Waiting online. Sociopathic urges and moral responsibility. Instagram cliché and twitter food. Subway drama and grape drink.
The Joe DeRosa is here. Fuck that lonely cocksucker zilch ... no, not Joe. And then you got your Bobby Kelly. Tears at the compound. Penis.
Presumptious middlers and merch. Stand-up confidence and taking your break. Three ghosts turn up to frighten Anthony with alternate timelines. Soothing Bobby's pain with tech. The Long Island Xanadu. Relationships, compatability and Bob thinks Joe is definitely gay.
We all sit around with a bunch of big rods watching Bailey Jay videos.

▶ 2012-05-23-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
Joe and Bobby stay-on for Sam's little show. SnobTrav is introduced.


  1. Tiger Beat Joey AND Bawby??!? This week is great. Making up for the weeks of sickness amazingly fast. You do the work of the Lord better than the Man himself, David.

  2. AnonymousMay 23, 2012

    Thanks, man. I'm guessing Jimmy didn't take the day off to shoot his Louie scene?

  3. AnonymousMay 23, 2012

    Notice how the show was still awesome WITHOUT Opie. The same could not be said about the shows during the week when Ant was out with pertussis. That podcast show Opie is always threatening the management with is going to be such a bust.

    1. AnonymousMay 23, 2012

      I agree, Opie blows.

    2. Opie doesn't blow, he just needs to be part of a team to be effective. Yes, days that Ant and Jim can cut up together with another comic are better than Ope with a sick Jim discussing social issues, last week was a cluster fuck. But Ant alone is not much better than Opie alone, just spend some time listening to his nearly worthless (sporadic) podcasts from the compound. Like all great teams, they need each other.

    3. AnonymousMay 25, 2012

      abigailcooper is just a hater.. he hates on Op, he hates on Ant.. he's just a cunt in general. Ignore him.

      The Opie hate, Sam hate, Danny hate, Troy hate.. etc etc is getting very very old.

  4. You're just the BEST, man .... I mean, here I am, sitting on the terlitt and with an iPad 2 and a little app called "DownloadsHD" -- which has worked for me for over a year FLAWLESSLY -- I have easy, ONE TAP access to the latest ONA & AONAL shows .... THANK YOU!!

    1. Is there an equivalent app for iPhone 4s? I can listen to the show from this website but I cant browse any other webpages without the mp3 turning off. No Opie today, Joey D and Bawby? Fantastic.

    2. What I do is I listen to the file in safari. Then I minimize safari and it still plays. There's this app in the app store called mercury browser, and it's just another Internet browser. So I downloaded that, now when safari is minimized, I can do shit on the internets with the mercury browser while the safari plays the show in the background. Hope this helps.

    3. thanks cuz. i will give it a shot.

    4. I don't have a phone and never used an Apple product (maaaaaan), but there must surely be an easier way to do something as relatively straightforward as listen to an mp3 file from a website.
      Jesus Fuck it is 2012 already.

      Blindingly obvious and ignorant question:
      Is there no "Save Target As", download it and then play it in a media player? From what you are saying iPhone Safari doesn't have tabs? Mind blown.

      Installing multiple browsers just to hear some radio seems a bit brutal.

      Definitely want to hear from others on suggestions on how to make this easier, especially if there is something I can do with how the links get posted.

    5. No save target as - can't download on iPhone as far as I know. When you click on the mp3 on this website through safari - it just opens in a media player.

      Craighymo's method is working fine for the record. Thanks a lot boss.

    6. Help is at hand for iphone users!

      Download one of the "Free Music Downloader" apps. Use the in-app browser to come to this site, click on the download link and a box marked "Filename" should appear. Click "Save" and then it should download the show to the app which also has a built in player. Plays in the background, works identically to the standard Music app on an iphone/ipod touch etc. Brilliant app, let me know if it works for you!

    7. Oh shit son. I am using the one from BSOSoft. This is awesome. Now I can listen in the car. I only got my first iPhone ever last week so I am still a noob. My David you gotta get one of these things. Gracias Rico.

    8. No worries man. You can use it on spreadtheonavirus.com too if you want to keep some classic bits/shows on your device. Download from Soundcloud etc too!

  5. I like Opie. Im not an Opie hater but damn the show is much more interesting with just Ant and Jimmy. The conversations just flow without Opie constantly trying to host the show

    1. This is the Anthony and Jimmy show. Anyone who says otherwise is a dolt.

    2. Opie is basically the executive producer at this point, who makes sure hot topics A, B, C, etc are covered by Ant and Jim (for better or for worse), runs the board and takes the phone calls (which are nice to get a day or two off from). He certainly serves a purpose, but yeah, Ant and Jim are absolutely the heart and soul of the show.

    3. Yeah, that's true to an extent. But don't forget that the best minutes the show ever did belong to Opie. Like, the unbearable tension with a toothpick sculpture sitting in front of him, waiting to see if he was going to smash it while Ant struggled to interview the dumb fuck toothpick dude. Moments like that (cringe radio) were practically invented by Ope. They don't come often, but they're essential to the history of the show, that uncertainty as to what Opie might do with a "straight" guest. Or management, calling a guy like Gary stupid and worthless . . . right in front of him, on the radio. Priceless.

    4. Ha, you got me, that is a very valid point...I just want the show to last past October and not go down the podcast road, the live element is too important, IMO.

  6. With Opie and Jimmy shows we get Matter-of-Fact-Jimmy(you'll notice he jokes around less because shithead interrupts him every 5 seconds) and Opie-the-Hole.

    Not one human being on the other end of those radio waves enjoyed the balloon=tits HOUR LONG discussion.

    Opie thinks he's really deep because he had a shitty mom, and as always I can't stand his bullshit where he says something, pauses as if he's going to let someone speak, and then when they begin speaking he talks over them. He's literally yelled over other people for no discernible reason except to reiterate a shitty point that we all got the first time.

    1. "HOLD ON, HOLD ON!!!"

      Opie is deep, remember "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who?

  7. did anyone hear opie on bobby kelly's podcast a while ago? he was awesome on there.


    1. Ya that episode was good. Bobby's podcast is fucking great.

  8. The conversations are much more organic when its Jim and Anthony. Jim and Opie have no chemistry. I can tell Jim cringes inside at some of Opie's more ignorant, thoughtless statements. He politely tries to bring Opie back to reality. Opie consistently makes sweeping generalizations about subjects without attempting to think critically or from "both sides" as he puts it when referring to politics. He's extremely dull and boring. It's as if he doesn't have a soul.

  9. Furthermore, those "cringe radio" bits that someone else pointed out as highlights of the show are feeble attempts to be funny. Because his mind is so shallow and his thinking so superficial and lazy, he has to resort to these acts to try and be "funny." It's really pathetic. Opie is "that guy" in high school, who you and all of your friends thought was a pitiful, self-delusional douche bag.

    "I coulda been a fucking genius at math and science." - Opie

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like this guy's passion. I will just leave these two photos here.



    3. AnonymousMay 23, 2012

      Oh shit, Docfox, that first picture HAS to be photoshopped. Otherwise Opie really does have gynecomastia.

    4. Not shooped. Found a couple of other photos confirming the fact that the guy has real hooters.

      That second photo working? Was trying to repost from Erock's posterous. Dude has less hair than Bobby Kelly.


  10. Don't even get me started on that dull fucking arrogant faggot Danny. Enough with the corny sarcasm already! You have smoked yourself retarded.

    Sam is 1000% more interesting than Danny. Troy is is a faggot too, but he's good on air. Roland is a fat queer. Mars rules. Erock rules. I want to eat Kenny's asshole he rules so much.

  11. Nice to hear Anthony mention his ex-girlfriend and her pedophile accusations around 2:47 minutes in.

    His DVRing of Toddlers and Tiaras is just creepy now that I read her slanderous blog.

    1. *Make that 2 hours and 47 minutes in.

    2. She protected it on her site, but this guy (not a fan of Ant it would seem) reposted for all:


    3. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

      Lol @ Crater-face Cumia. I mean I love the guy and everything but he is one ugly son of a bitch. Even in videos of him and Opie in their RealRock TV days it was obvious that Ant was NOT a good-looking guy. Yikes! Did you see him on that Hannity show? For a guy who refers to non-whites as savages, he sure looks a lot like one of them. Honestly, if you didn't know who he was, would you be able to tell he was an Italian, as opposed to some sort of Mediterranean/Arab ? I've seen Arabs who look more caucasian than Ant, that's all I'm saying.

    4. AnonymousMay 25, 2012

      Is this you being jealous that Ant nails hot young chicks or is this you, once again, being a little hating bitch.

      Rhetorical question, post a picture of yourself or fuck off, Stud.

  12. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

    You are a god. This is without doubt the best place to come for O&A.

  13. Oh and it's waiting "on line". Two words, not one. The rest of the world waits in line, but these NorEasterners say on line for some bizarre reason.

    Don't tell me the Brits say "on line". Please.


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