8 May 2012

▶ 2012-05-08-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src
Erock fucks up. No Anthony. Norton's mental apnea mask. Pertussis paranoia sweeps the studio. Whooping it up at Sam's wedding.
Travolta's hard eight discussed at length. Florentine dragged into the infection-zone. Going line by line gets everyone all hot and bothered.
Unions and in the pocket politicians puts the kibosh on UFC for NY. Kenny, his curious personality and his bedroom antics are dissected.
Some Ozzy, Octopussy and new-media thrills on Kenny's Facebook. Knicks kneecaps and NASCAR. The sports pages scanned and clock watched as the boys stagger relentlessly towards the finish line.

▶ 2012-05-08-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src
Jimmy briefly talks about Martin Sheen. Intern Sal. Fat Erock licks his wounds, Sam plays nice, he only uses the little spoon. Whoo Kid.


  1. sweet summery

  2. hope Ant is alright, probably a bit, probably an asshole for asuming it's a bit... all together, hope he's alright, erocks fat, sams black, opies a racist, norton is a perv, florentine has a deep voice, ant's a racist... wwhooo whooo, robin

  3. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    can someone tell me what is the name of the song used in first break? right after erockradio bit

    1. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

      Beck - The Information


  4. AnonymousMay 08, 2012


  5. dick butter "keep churnin' (a serious earnin')

  6. If Anthony has finally gotten cancer(to be fair he's probably overdue in the grand cosmic scheme of things) this show is going to be done for good.

    And that would make me sad.

  7. I find myself listening less and less intently now a days... almost to the point of checking to see how much time is left.

    They can't all be winners though.

    1. I think it's clear we're nearer the end than the beginning, just a question of trying to bring it home and land it right.

      Was listening to the Patrice Unmasked with Ronnie B, he talks about how O&A are tired of the fight, they've seen it all before, they're old generals, not soldiers anymore.

      So I guess we just need to pick out the winners when they happen, and then acknowledge that even when it stinks, it's still a better radio show than all the other dishonest shite and white-noise that is currently broadcast.

    2. Hopefully a rebirth on a Podcast medium will help.

  8. WOW Opie was a real cocksucker in that first bit.

    1. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

      E-rock is notoriously late, he'd be fired from most other jobs. Op had every right to rail him like he did.

  9. You can tell that even jim is tired of opie today.

  10. AnonymousMay 11, 2012

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