20 Nov 2012

▶ 2012-11-20-OA-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ YouTube
Same shit. Thanksgiving, gurus and genocide. Compound West angst. Some hilarious t-shirts and malodorous orifices. Gym stories. Fish.
Beast. Sports radio. Callers tasked with resolving Palestine problem.
David! Tits on TV. Dumb cunt. Bobo is let on the air. Sprite and puke.

Greg Gutfeld in studio. Hostess products. Truth to power. Smoke 'em. Fake tolerance and outrage, Benghazi silence and media hypocrisy.

▶ 2012-11-20-SS-CF64k.mp3    ▶ Alt Src    ▶ Alt Src
Sam et al discuss the tedious lack of imagination of dumb listeners.


  1. Thanks for the great work, I really enjoy your quality downloads. thanks again buddy.

  2. I love Red Eye. It's the best show that FOX News has to offer. Glad Gutfeld came in today. Can't wait to listen. Thanks!

  3. I actually learned alot from the whole Palestine and Israel calls, and I was rather impressed that the callers were pretty civil when they were discussing it. I wasn't aware of this latest incident till I saw someone on Battlefield 3 talking about it hah. Yeah... I stopped watching the news a long time ago.

  4. "Greg Gutfeld in studio. Hostess products. Truth to power. Smoke 'em. Fake tolerance and outrage, Benghazi silence and media hypocrisy."

    This sounds like some good shit.


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